Reviews of Outdoor Gear. (Bicycle Store) in London (London).
Outdoor Gear
412 Hackney Rd, London E2 7AP, United Kingdom
Information of Outdoor Gear, Bicycle store in London (London)
On this page you’ll find the address, open hours, more popular times, the contact, photos and real reviews of this business.
This business has received very good reviews from their customers, so probably it’s a place you should try if you are looking for this kind of services.
Open hours of Outdoor Gear
Reviews of Outdoor Gear
Tiago the bike technician was great. Very knowledgeable and extremely friendly.
Requested a bike for a long bike journey and was more than happy with the end product. 5 stars.
Need to change my previous review as staff who sold me the bike apparently didn’t assemble it properly at the first place. Gladly the place has new manager Thiago, who is very competent, nice and helpful. He sorted out all the issues with my bike and it was honestly like riding on completely different vehicle afterwards. I hugely recommend this store and Thiago as an expert who will advise you honestly.
Tiago the bike shop technician was superb. Very helpful and informative. Happy to help while it's pouring with rain when I stop by on the off chance with missing nut Nd loose padle on my bike. Thank you Tiago. Keep up the good job and that smile.
Wow. Great shop and even greater manager/mechanic in Tiago! Tiago is super knowledgeable with many years experience building, servicing and repairing bikes and his passion clearly shines through. Today he trouble shot and serviced some niche problems with three very different bikes including a 2001 Headshok from a CAAD 4 F700. Very lucky to have this level of service from a quality, friendly, relaxed mechanic on my doorstep!
Lovely, kind,freindly,helpful shop,I only use these guys now .nothing is too much trouble.
Quite simply an excellent selection of bikes and accessories at very good prices.. Thanks so much to the helpful team, I'm really happy with the bike I purchased from you - only regret is shopping around so much before, I should have just come to you guys first!!
What a great bike and accessories shop, friendly staff, great bikes and most of all what AMAZING prices. Very glad I found this shop, I would highly recommend it.
Really good road bike service from a friendly team - very happy with it and would highly recommend
Best bike shop in east London.
I got my bike serviced and looks lovely after that. Great shop and repairing services. Really recommend them.
Just too good, built different
lovely staff, very helpful